What are Flash cards?
Flash cards are really cool cards with information and pictures on them. They are used to aid learning. For pre-schoolers these cards usually have small words, alphabets and pictures.

What are Flash cards?
Flash cards are really cool cards with information and pictures on them. They are used to aid learning. For pre-schoolers these cards usually have small words, alphabets and pictures.
When: September 19, 2020 Where: Vinohradská 12, Praha 2
When: Until October 31, 2020
Where: Křižíkův Pavilon E – Výstaviště Holešovice Praha
When: From September 11 onwards
Where: RC Paleček, Písecká 17 Praha
My boys love Italy and its yummy Italian food so I am always looking for tasty Italian recipes which are healthy to eat and easy to cook.
The pandemic has changed many things in our lifestyle, from work hours, working style, travel plans and children’s toys. It’s not little kitchenettes or tea sets that are ‘in vogue’ among tiny tots, but the cool ‘Home Office’ playset from Fisher-Price!
It is always tough for children to come back to school routine school, after a nice relaxing vacation full of sleep, eat and have fun regardless of time limits. Accordingly, when it is time to start a new academic year, every child deals with anxiety which can be avoided by mentally preparing them in advance. The ways in which you can prepare your child really depends on the parents.
Labelling school stuff is quite important for kids, and of course, it takes a lot of time. Well, here are some stores where you can order personalised labels for your child. Peel, stick and the job’s done!
Jellyfish don’t have a brain, heart, bones or eyes. They are transparent and made almost completely of water. They are extraordinarily beautiful because you can see through them and some of them even refract light!
When: August 28-29, 2020
Where: Prague – Letňany Airport, Beranových 667, Prague 9