Many of us parents tell our kids to finish all school work so they can then watch videos online or the TV. But have we ever considered that after a hard day at work, the screen is the last thing that helps you relax?
Category: Parenting
Why should your child have a mentor?
Mentors and parents have different jobs in a child’s life. Parenting in permanent while mentors keep changing throughout the child’s childhood, growing into youth and adulthood. Mentors provide, support, encouragement and advice to inexperienced people. And children benefit a lot.
Building emotional maturity in kids
We’ve all seen kids in their best and many times at their worst – tempers, tantrums, yelling, demanding, crying and more. A child goes through a lot of challenging emotions through their growing years. And often, they don’t know what to do with their feelings – jealousy, envy, sadness, anger, being left out, lonely or more. Here’s how we can help them.
What to think about before getting your child a phone
There’s always that time in a parent’s life when children start asking for their own phone. Should we buy kids a phone? What’s the right age for kids to have a phone? Is a phone a good or bad thing for kids?
Ways to help children manage anxiety
Just because kids are young and have fewer responsibilities than adults, doesn’t mean that they don’t feel nervous, scared or anxious in many situations. For their age, kids do have their own stressful times.
The benefits of performing arts for a child
It has always been believed that art in any form has always developed children’s minds and helped them grow as fuller individuals. And performing arts can be quite a thing unlike visual or liberal arts, because you need to perform in front of a live audience. Let’s see how it builds a child’s life.
5 Tips for parents to prep for school
It’s soon going to be that time of the year when chaos sets in – back-to-school. While it’s good for us parents to take a snooze when kids are away, the morning school run makes up for all the relaxed summer we had.
5 non-school items to check off before school starts
The first week of school is always busy for parents, teachers and students. We’re all busy with books, teacher meetings and orientations at school.
Tips for transitioning to Middle School
Transitioning to Middle School is the most challenging time in the life of a parent and child. Challenging because there’s a fine balance that needs to be drawn between being a parent while not embarrassing them in front of their friends. Remember, they are still kids, but believe they are almost adults. And then they hormones also kick in!
Qs to Ask Your Child’s Teacher
Children whether going to school for the first time or they are returning to school after long summer holidays, tend to be reluctant before starting a new academic year. Parents in their turn should try to organize everything in the best way to show their support to the children.