Looking for Birthday party ideas for your son? Here are 5 ways to celebrate!

Looking for Birthday party ideas for your son? Here are 5 ways to celebrate!
The government has issued a statement to close down all schools starting Wednesday, March 11. This has been done in order to safeguard children’s health in the Czech Republic. Schools will remain closed until further notice.
Coffee place Jasmínka is organizing a Spring Easter photoshoot for families!
About the Castle: The barely visible remains of Zuvačov’s castle, also called Komňa or Hrádek, lie on the Moravian-Slovak border. From the point of view of ordinary tourists, in this case, it is more of […]
The lost Castle Zvířetice are ruins of an early-Gothic castle built in the 14th century. It was protected on three sides with a high bank and strong ramparts. The castle was founded in the first […]