When: May 9 – 12
Where: Holešovice Exhibition Grounds, Poupětova 3, Prague 7 – Holešovice

When: May 9 – 12
Where: Holešovice Exhibition Grounds, Poupětova 3, Prague 7 – Holešovice
When: July 1-5, July 8-12, 8:45- 17:15 hours
Where: Gymnázium DUHOVKA, Ortenovo náměstí 34, Praha 7, 170 00
When: August 5–30, 8:00–17:00 hours
Where: Nad Tejnkou 391/10, Praha 6 Břevnov, 169 00
When: May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30, June 6
Where: Archa Theatre Studio, Zlatnická 8, Praha 1
When: July 15 – July 19, 08:45- 17:15 hours
Where: Gymnázium DUHOVKA, Ortenovo náměstí 34, Praha 7, 170 00.
When: April 30, 17:00 hours
Where: Central Library, Small Hall – Mariánské nám. 98/1, 110 00 Josefov
Does your kid have a creative mind? Or maybe you want him to develop out-of-the-box thinking? Go to the Escape cafe Imaginatorium. Here’s where kids can be creative and have fun at the same time!
When: April 24, 16:30 – 17:30 hours
Where: Bohnice, Těšínská 600/4 Prague 8
A picture is the first content of a book that a child can „read“. Thanks to pictures, a child can understand a story without knowing how to read, interpreting the main figures/animals, the environment, and […]
When: July 7-13, July 21-27, July 28- August 3
Where: Jizera Mountains