It is a month since all schools in the Czech Republic closed. Deputy Minister of Health, Roman Prymula answers questions by Seznam Zpráv about reopening dates.

It is a month since all schools in the Czech Republic closed. Deputy Minister of Health, Roman Prymula answers questions by Seznam Zpráv about reopening dates.
Crafting is a great way to spend some time at home while being creative. Check this one out!
Adam Vojtěch, Czech Minister of Health, announced that the COVID-19 spread has been taken under control, and people can get back to normal lives.
Toy stores in the Czech Republic certainly understand that it is hard to keep children occupied at home during the lockdown period. They have special offers where you can order online or visit stores online and they send the toys to your home! Here are some toy stores that have this option.
‘Kids and devices’ is a tricky topic. When should you introduce kids to technology and how much should they be allowed to play/ watch? The choice is yours, but if they have access to learning while they play on a tablet, then you don’t feel so guilty as a parent. We have prepared a list of 6 apps that we found interesting which will not only keep your child busy but also teach him.
If your kids are a fan of David Walliams, they can listen to his daily short stories online. As a treat for stuck-in-the-house-kids and parents, David Walliams is releasing a story every day from his best-selling World’s Worst Children short story collections. Listen to today’s story.
Weekly Drama Course at Prague Youth Theatre!
The Ministry of Health has modified the measures concerning the current ban of visitors in health and social institutions. Following a meeting with Czech labour and gynaecology department of ČLS JEP, the ministry of health has decided to modify the rules of the earlier announced temporary measures involving the ban of any visitors to any health institutions with hospital beds or any care homes during the outbreak of COVID-19.
Ošetřovné for self-employed parents only for children above 6 years of age during the Coronavirus outbreak. The minister of labour and social affairs, Jana Máláčová, is not supporting the proposal of The Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Just as I got the 4th child into school, we are told to home school! The benefits of homeschooling are, not having the stress of the school run, or juggling after-school clubs. Time is a little more flexible and I don’t need to worry about showing my great adventures on Facebook or glamming up for socializing with yummy mummy’s. On the other hand, homeschooling means HOMESCHOOLING! I’m running between all the children trying to make sure they have learnt something, eaten something, done some exercise and not killed each other before three o’clock. Phew! So let’s break it down and try to stay sane.