Category: Uncategorized

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How to reenergize mental energy in kids

Today’s kids do a lot more thing online that we used to. Post covid, a child’s screentime includes not just gaming, but also online homework, online reading, online schoolwork hobbies and more. An increased screentime slowly depletes mental activity. So how do we draw a line at the screen and replenish the mental energy in kids?

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Causes of low self-esteem in children

Babies and toddlers usually have a really high self-esteem, while the ‘tweens’ usually don’t. By the onset of adolescence, kids have their lowest self-esteem. And that’s probably because, when kids are young, there are lesser expectations from them. As they grow older, parents, teachers, schools, peers and just about anyone in the world, expect more. A lot of things contribute to low self-esteem in kids. Here are some common reasons.

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Parenting resolution – focus on one key area in 2023

We all are perfectly capable of making brand new, New-Year Resolutions and equally efficient in breaking them consistently. Well, parenting is tough and its ok not to be able to achieve everything in that one year. But it does leave us all incomplete at the end of the year. Well, here’s a new idea, for a new year parenting resolution in 2023.

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Why should kids collect stuff?

My son always collected stuff right from when he was very young. It started with pebbles from the playground, and then went on to kinder egg toys and Pokémon cards and more. Some kids collect leaves, flowers, chocolate wrappers and so on. While it all seems like garbage, these ‘useless’ collections actually do prove useful to your child’s growth.