The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that 4 more European countries have lost their Measles-free status in Europe. Albania, Greece, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom are no longer categorized as measles-free.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that 4 more European countries have lost their Measles-free status in Europe. Albania, Greece, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom are no longer categorized as measles-free.
This paper Hedgehog is easy to make and lovely to use as decor for the approaching Autumn!
An elephant is always loved but is rarely chosen as a pet because of its size. This easy paper elephant can be a pet to any child. He can even move his trunk!
A hot day is good enough to keep kids indoors and away from a heat wave. But how do you keep them busy? Well, a here’s a naughty monkey craft to keep little kids busy!
With school starting off and loads of reading to do and reports to prepare, its only fair to have a handful of these happy mice bookmarks for kids! Make it so that it is exciting […]
When: 4 to 7 April 2019. 10:00 to 17:00 hours
Where: Beranových 667, Letňany, 199 00 Praha 9
Ponrepo organizes fairytale screenings and art workshops every Sunday from 15:00 to 17:00 hours at the Ponrepo Cinema. The performances are mainly for kids but adults are most welcome! Parents and guardians can enjoy a […]
Many parents believe that there is no need to vaccinate kids because it is difficult to contract risky diseases as most children around us are vaccinated. But taking a decision to not vaccinate your child may prove to be detrimental. Many infections like Measles or Mumps can lead to long term disabilities or major complications for life. Like most developed countries, the Czech Republic also has a list of vaccines that people living here need to comply with.
If your child has a passion for computer games, don’t let it go waste! Enrol him to an active, super-exciting Gaming Summer Camp!
Coding & Acting Camp will teach your child to code from scratch. The language, that will be taught, is called Scratch, and it is the introductory programming language, which was developed by students at MIT. MIT App Inventor will help kids in creating their own apps.