We all know that nothing online is completely private. Yet, most of us parents love to ‘Sharent’ online about our child. Nothing makes us more proud than our kids! Well, that’s a great feeling, but how much info of your child should you share? What’s reasonable and what’s not? How safe is it for your child’s future? Here are some questions that you should ask yourself before posting your child’s information online.
Author: Little Panda
Read online with Storyberries!
I’ve always struggled to find something new to read to my son in bed. He’s easily bored and most of the books we own have been read and re-read so many times. Sometimes, I even create stories to tell my son. And sometimes he creates stories too! Of course all of this creative. But, eventually, there’s always a night when we’re both tired and want something small and snug and warm to read before falling asleep to lovely dreams. And that’s when Storyberries takes over.
Dinosauria Museum Prague
The Dinosauria Museum in Prague is where dinosaurs come to life. Here, you can discover original dinosaur skeletons up to 154 million years old, realistic life-size models and a unique collection of minerals.
What is Sharenting?
If there’s one thing that all parents love to do, it’s share pictures of their children. Now, sharing pictures with grandparents, other parents or family is one thing but sharing stuff on social media can have some consequences in the long run.
Messages hidden in gingerbread – exhibition
When: March 18 to May 28, 2023. Tuesday–Sunday 10.00–18.00 hours.
Where: Castle complex Ctěnice, Bohdanečská 259/1, 190 17 Prague 9 – Vinoř
Spring Festival with Ulita, 2023
When: March 21, 16:00 to 18:30 hours
Where: DDM Prague 3 – building Ulity Na Balkáně 17a
Tub swimming for babies
Tub swimming courses are for moms with new born babies in the comfort of your home! This course is for babies from birth to 6 months and it helps promote a positive relationship with water. It also includes a relaxing baby massage.
Causes of low self-esteem in children
Babies and toddlers usually have a really high self-esteem, while the ‘tweens’ usually don’t. By the onset of adolescence, kids have their lowest self-esteem. And that’s probably because, when kids are young, there are lesser expectations from them. As they grow older, parents, teachers, schools, peers and just about anyone in the world, expect more. A lot of things contribute to low self-esteem in kids. Here are some common reasons.
How to talk to your child about death
What should you do when your child loses a grandparent? Or a pet? Or a close friend? Well, there will be questions, confusions, longingness for the loved ones who have moved on. And making death a part of normal conversations is essential, even among younger kids.
4 Things to Let Go of to be a Happier Parent
So, it’s ok to forget something. It’s ok to let go. As kids grow older, it’s also wiser to let them take more control over their lives. Yes, they will make mistakes, but they will also learn from them, and this is important.