It’s soon going to be that time of the year when chaos sets in – back-to-school. While it’s good for us parents to take a snooze when kids are away, the morning school run makes up for all the relaxed summer we had.
5 non-school items to check off before school starts
The first week of school is always busy for parents, teachers and students. We’re all busy with books, teacher meetings and orientations at school.
Back-to-school checklist
It’s the last few days of summer, a new academic year is beginning. After long summer holidays, it is not always easy for children to come back to study and start a new school year.
Order School Supplies Online
Back-to-school shopping quick list – notebooks, pencils, eraser, lunch box, water bottles, school bag, shoe bags…yes, it’s never-ending. But no sweat! Here are 2 stores where you can find everything online!
Tips for transitioning to Middle School
Transitioning to Middle School is the most challenging time in the life of a parent and child. Challenging because there’s a fine balance that needs to be drawn between being a parent while not embarrassing them in front of their friends. Remember, they are still kids, but believe they are almost adults. And then they hormones also kick in!
Qs to Ask Your Child’s Teacher
Children whether going to school for the first time or they are returning to school after long summer holidays, tend to be reluctant before starting a new academic year. Parents in their turn should try to organize everything in the best way to show their support to the children.
Laser Tag Summer Camp
When: 5 to 9 August, 2024
Where: Braník – Údolní 212/1
Ideas to create summer traditions
Creating specific summer traditions can be a really fun way to build memories about your children’s childhood. Here are some ideas.
Planning a picnic birthday party
It’s that time of the year – your child’s birthday! Well, if you’re child is lucky enough to have a summer birthday, it’s clearly half the job done! Organizing a children’s birthday outdoors is really very easy and absolutely fun.
Indoor parks for hot days
We are usually planning our leisure time depending on the weather. And with the hot days around, we all look out for somewhere cooler to enjoy with kids. Here are four cool indoor parks in Prague, which are open to families all through the year and useful in summer and winter or even when it rains!