When: April – December
Where: Pražská 138, Čestlice, 251 01, Praha

When: April – December
Where: Pražská 138, Čestlice, 251 01, Praha
When: April – August 2019
Where: Národní 2, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czech Republic
When: April 23, all day
Where: nationwide
When: April 13 and 27
Where: Prague Christian Library, Baranova 32, 130 00 Praha 3
When: During the whole month of April
Where: Museum of Senses, Jindřišská 939/20, Praha
When: 25 April – 13 June, Thursdays 15:30 – 17:00 hours
Where: International Montessori School of Prague, Toddler Classroom, Hrudičkova 2107/16 Praha 148 00
From the time your child starts first grade here in our adopted home, they’ll start getting homework. One or two days a week to start. So why not plan ahead and create a space that will become your child’s dedicated space for homework now? Whether you carve out a space in your living room, their bedroom or in a home office, make the place organized, comfortable and welcoming, because what they study is just as important as where.
Ponrepo organizes fairytale screenings and art workshops every Sunday from 15:00 to 17:00 hours at the Ponrepo Cinema. The performances are mainly for kids but adults are most welcome! Parents and guardians can enjoy a […]
“Biophilia” = “love of life” is the name for a connection between humans and plants. Spending some time around nature can be a calming and relaxing experience for you and your kids.
Many parents believe that there is no need to vaccinate kids because it is difficult to contract risky diseases as most children around us are vaccinated. But taking a decision to not vaccinate your child may prove to be detrimental. Many infections like Measles or Mumps can lead to long term disabilities or major complications for life. Like most developed countries, the Czech Republic also has a list of vaccines that people living here need to comply with.