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Causes of low self-esteem in children

Babies and toddlers usually have a really high self-esteem, while the ‘tweens’ usually don’t. By the onset of adolescence, kids have their lowest self-esteem. And that’s probably because, when kids are young, there are lesser expectations from them. As they grow older, parents, teachers, schools, peers and just about anyone in the world, expect more. A lot of things contribute to low self-esteem in kids. Here are some common reasons.

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How to raise emotionally independent kids

It is a parents’ natural instinct to fix a problem that her child faces. As parents we also tend to disapprove of certain behaviour in our kids – like tantrums, poor scores in school or just what we feel is bad behaviour. But does this help our child? Is it better to reprimand, correct and fix? Or is it better to empathise?

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How to talk to your child about sexual abuse

As parents we are watchdogs for our kids. We teach them pretty much everything from skills, to hygiene habits, social skills, languages and ways to be safe. The one topic, which parents usually put off from discussing with kids is sexual abuse. And it is not because it is an uncomfortable topic, but because parents feel that their kids are too young to discuss it.