Transitioning to Middle School is the most challenging time in the life of a parent and child. Challenging because there’s a fine balance that needs to be drawn between being a parent while not embarrassing them in front of their friends. Remember, they are still kids, but believe they are almost adults. And then they hormones also kick in!
Category: Parenting
Qs to Ask Your Child’s Teacher
Children whether going to school for the first time or they are returning to school after long summer holidays, tend to be reluctant before starting a new academic year. Parents in their turn should try to organize everything in the best way to show their support to the children.
Ideas to create summer traditions
Creating specific summer traditions can be a really fun way to build memories about your children’s childhood. Here are some ideas.
Gardening with kids
Sharing your love for gardening with your kids is a sure shot fun activity to do with kids!
How to talk to your teen
While it’s really easy to talk to your child, speaking to your teenager is really not a piece of cake. Teens are not yet matured and may have confusing personalities during their transformative years. So, how do we talk to them? Or better still, how do we get them to talk?
Why is it important to have limits set for kids?
The toughest part of being a parent is the art of saying NO. And most of us parents have to be consistent about it – no jumping on the couch, no eating on the bed, no turning on the TV and so on. Although at some point kids may feel that they’re not allowed to do anything, the reality is that they are actually learning something from all the Nos, don’ts and stops.
7 ways to encourage growth mindset in kids
Children sometimes have a tendency to beat themselves up over small matters – a wrong answer in class, a lost board game or just simply losing objects. While it’s important to be prudent and careful, its equally important to be positive and take the best out of event he worst situation. This is called the growth mindset. No matter what happens, you see the lesson and move on. So how can this be developed in kids?
Teaching kids to own their mistakes and learn
Have you ever noticed kids telling white lies or just blaming their mistakes on someone or something else? Most kids find shifting the blame an easier route than accepting their mistakes. And this is because most kids are only busy following instructions from parents, teachers, hobby instructors or coaches. So how do we teach kids to deal with mistakes?
7 ways to encourage creativity in kids
Creativity is a great tool in the development of kids. It is the primary skill that improves imagination, teaches management, develops problem solving skill and helps the mental well-being of a child.
Reasons kids should use whiteboards
Usually, whiteboards or even black boards are perceived as teacher’s space by kids. At school, during tutoring or in various courses, kids only see the teacher using the whiteboard. Having a whiteboard at home can make a big difference in your child’s development. Let’s see how.