When: May 26 , 2017 to October14, 2018 10:00 – 18:00 hours
Where: Karmelitská 2, Prague 1, 118 00
Category: Events
DM Family Day, Prague 7
When: May 20, 2018, From 13:00 hours onwards
Where: Prague Exhibition Grounds
Exhibits from the Victoria and Albert’s Museum of Childhood, London
When: February 16 to June 17, 2018
Where: Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze, Historical building, 17. listopadu 2, 110 00 Praha 1
Helicopter Show
When: May 11 – 12, 2018
Where: Hradec Králové Airport, Bratří Štefanů 101, 500 03 Hradec Králové
Shrek musical
When: April 21, 14:00 hours Where: Tipsport Arena, Prague 7 Other Details: One of the most popular animated Ogre is coming on stage with his Princess and all characters, to Prague! They have performed everywhere […]
Pat and Mat animated puppet show
When: April 21, 11:00 to 11:55 hours.
Where: Bez zabradli theater.
Montessori: Education for life, Parent’s seminar
When: March 16, 2018 from 19:00 to 21:00 hours Where: IMSP Multipurpose Hall, Hrudičkova 2107/16, Praha 148 00 Other Details: Children are eager to learn and our main task is to guide them in this. […]
Brain development Demo Workshop for Kids
When: February 25 (12:00 to 13:00 hours), 26 (14:50 to 15:50 hours) and 28 16:00 to 18:00 hours)
Where: Brainobrain Centers, Prague – Free Admission
Craft Live 2018
When: February 21 and 22, from 09:00 hours to 17:00 hours.
Where: New Town Hall, Karlovo Namesti 23, 12000 Prague
Pat and Mat animated puppet show
When: March 11, 11:00 to 11:55 hours.
Where: Bez zabradli theater.