Experiences enrich the lives of people. And when you gift an experience, you give an opportunity for an entire group to bond over an activity.

Experiences enrich the lives of people. And when you gift an experience, you give an opportunity for an entire group to bond over an activity.
On one hand we’re trying to reduce chaos, clutter and plastic while on the other we hit the stores during holiday season to but gifts and toys for our kids.
Do you remember a really special Christmas present you received as a child? Well, mine was a little pink doll called Jane and Jenny. It was given to me by my uncle when I was about 3 years old. And that was the only doll I ever had. Well, the good thing is that I still have not just the doll, but also the warm memories associated with it. Today, my little boy has way too many toys, and I thought that another toy for Christmas, will only add to his clutter collection and not to his childhood memories.