Schooling in Prague


As a parent, when you move to the Czech Republic, you are frantic to find the best school for your child. Thankfully, we do have many schools here with different methods of education for parents to choose from.

Largely, when expats move to Prague, the preferred options are English Speaking International schools. But, having said that, if you are looking to settle down in Czech Republic, it might be advisable to look at schools that offer education in Czech as well.

In Czech Public Schools, education is offered for free to children even if you are temporary residents. But if you are absolutely paranoid about your kids learning only in Czech, then you can consider opting for a State bilingual school. There are also many private Czech Schools that offer bilingual education and are less expensive than international schools.

For little kids in the age group 3-6, there are State funded Materska Skola – (Pre-schools). Here parents pay a nominal fee for the first two years and the next two years are free. Prague also has innumerable Private pre-schools that are Czech or Bilingual. There are also many International pre-schools following different approaches of teaching like the Montessori, Sudbury, Reggio Emilia and more.

Take a look at the Little Panda School Directory below, to get a list of the different types of schools in Prague, the different types of curriculum they offer, and the languages of instruction available.

Schools Directory

State Pre-Schools

Private Pre-Schools

Public Schools

Private Schools

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