Reasons kids should use whiteboards

Image Courtesy: Mikhail Nilov/ Pexels

Usually, whiteboards or even black boards are perceived as teacher’s space by kids. At school, during tutoring or in various courses, kids only see the teacher using the whiteboard. Having a whiteboard at home can make a big difference in your child’s development. Let’s see how.

A piece of display
A whiteboard is a place where a child can actually write down what he likes. Maybe a list to remember, a birthday reminder, a packing list or even just have a saying for the week. But this allows him to add and keep changing something in his space and personally own it.

Communication tool
Whiteboards are a great way of communicating without speaking. Sometimes you’re not at home and a simple ‘love you’ on the white board can keep you connected with your child. The white board can also serve as a place to write down what can’t be said “I’m sorry I was mad at you today”. Children can sometimes find it hard to speak their feelings, but can easily write it down on the board.

An interactive place
it’s a great place for all kids and parents to have a million things written down, or draw or just use it as a scribble pad to jot down things. A soccer schedule, a pet drawing, a thank you note can all be on the board.

A motivation tool
Kids love attention, but are also shy. And a white board can be a great tool for them to display their drawings or their score card there. Kids can also use magnets to stick things on the whiteboard. It’s a subtle way to get attention especially when they are shy.

Brainstorming space
It’s a great place for family brainstorming – for instance, suggestions on where to go this summer can be listed on the whiteboard. And after everyone jots down their thoughts, there can be a voting to decide the place.

Helps learning
Even little kids can write on a white board albeit the spelling errors. White boards encourage legible writing, spelling, reading and thinking in kids. It’s a great way for children to develop all their senses and learning skills.