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Ways to discipline a child without yelling, tantrums and humiliation

Reprimanding children has always been a discussion point in any media. Some people don’t mind spanking their kids, while others are strictly against it. So, is there a line after which reprimand is violence? How do you raise children without traumatizing them, while simultaneously teaching them to be responsible for their actions?

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Why is it important to label things for children during a pandemic?

COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed many things in people’s lives. One of them is access to physical contacts. And this is especially true for children. This is why it is even more important for children to pay special attention to what they do. Children often do not know for themselves, what is safe and what is not, so it is up to parents or caregivers to not take their eyes off them when it comes to playing with friends at home or at school.

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Tips To Create a Night-time Routine For Your Child

My five-year-old just walks into my room in the middle of the night – From, “Am cold mummy!”, to “monsters-under- the-bed”, I’ve heard it all! Well, any parent knows that getting a good night’s sleep is important. And to get a ‘straight-8-hours’ of sleep, a clear bedtime routine is a must for kids. We’ve chosen four simple tips that any of us can easily follow to help our kids get to bed and stay there through the night! Check it out.