The title could be the whole article as far as I think about it, but let’s take this apart a little bit. Pets and kids go together. Kid+ball+dog=playtime.
Sleepy kid+cat=naptime for both.
Our Checklist for a long flight with kids!
Whether you’re travelling with your kids for the first time, or if you are seasoned pro at travelling, we all can use a few good suggestions to make a long flight a bit more enjoyable.
Ebru – Painting on Water!
From the dawn of time, drawing and imagery have been used to communicate complex messages. That same spirit exists even today through the complex imagery of children. Their honest depictions carry a message that is often innocent, uninhibited and tied together with boundless energy and optimism.
Walk for Children through Prague by Ulitka Family Club
When: March 3, 14:00 to 16:00 hours
Where: Nad Ohradou 17, 130 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Struny dětem v Minoru
When: March 29 to 31, 2019
Where: Divadlo Minor, Vodičkova 6, Praha 1
Travel with your kids, it will be a disaster and you’ll love it!
Travelling with kids can be an exercise in epic failure and rewarding at the same time, especially for young parents. But don’t let anyone discourage you from getting out into the world with your little one(s) and don’t let the idea of the challenge dissuade you either. You were born to travel, that’s one of the reasons you’re an Expat… And your kids were born to travel with you!
Art Classes for 8-year-olds
When: February to June 2019
Where: Near I P Pavlova
Street Food Festival, 2019 – Holešovice
When: April 14, 2019. 10:00 to 20:00 hours
Where: cross club, Plynární 1096/23, Prague 7, 15500 Prague, Czech Republic
Symptoms and next steps
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. The incubation time, ie the time from the infestation of the organism to the first symptoms is about 7 to 21 days.
Measles in Prague
The Czech Television has reported that there has been a rapid increase in Measles in Prague in January 2019. There have been at least 40 cases of measles reported.