Low Budget Fall Activities for Kids

Image Courtesy: Joellen Moths/ Pexels

Its always hard to entertain children. Especially in fall, when the weather is turning grey, things can get harder. Here are some really simple, quickly doable ideas that can get you through fall season.

Backyard camping
It’s always lovely to get out of house. But it can be quite hard for parents to plan something quickly with kids. And the list of must haves for a trip with kids is also quite long clean toilets, favorite toys, snack, creams and repellents and more! Well, the backyard tent is the best solution for this! Easy to put up, nothing to pack and quick entertainment for all even on rainy nights! Decathlon has tents across all price ranges and it’s best to have one handy if you’re a parent. Check out tents.

Apple picking
Who doesn’t love a bunch of fresh fruit? And if you can pick it yourself with your family, then its a day spent well! There are many fruit orchards near Prague and its a great place for families with kids. Typically the apple picking season starts mid-September and goes through November. There are also , plums, pears and berry orchards that continue till late November.  Here’s a list of the best fruit orchards in Prague. 

Pie baking
Clearly the best season for baking, fall does have a lot to offer. From pumpkins, to apples, to mushrooms, the season does offer a variety for even amateur cooks. Get a good pie recipe or better still check with grandma for one and then get started. Baking with kids can be a bit messy, but when the home fills u with the delicious scent of pies and cinnamon, it’ll be an afternoon well spent!

Admiring fall colours
Pack a picnic and drive through the countryside to get a nice view of fall colours. The mélange of yellow, red and orange certainly lifts your spirits up. Find a nice spot by a farm and spend an afternoon collecting Autumn leaves for leaf-art when you get back home! I can definitely recommend the drive to Melnik to enjoy Autumn colours. Don’t forget to jump on the leaves.