How to build better eating habits in Kids

Image Courtesy: Cottonbro Studio/ Pexels

Most parents face picky eaters at some point or the other. How to deal with this phase or habit? How to ensure that your child eats everything healthy that’s served on his plate? Here are some tips:

Avoid forcing kids to eat
Keep a positive environment around food and mealtimes. Make sure you talk to kids about what’s for dinner, how you prepared it and what all went in it. Tell them how healthy it is and how they would be stronger, cleverer or healthier. This preps them for the meal and they are willing to try it out with an open mind. Let’s assume they don’t like it, don’t offer them something else immediately. Instead, tell them they are not yet used to the taste, and that they should try 5 spoons (I usually do the no-of-spoons based on their age) before they conclude that its disgusting. Now concluding without trying, not allowed. Don’t ditch the recipe altogether if they still maintain their stance. Bring it back to the table in 2 weeks with some food prep talk. ‘Do you recall we had broccoli with spices 2 weeks ago and you said you hate it? Actually, its quite healthy and you’re tired today. So maybe eating it will give you some strength. And perhaps your taste has changed a bit in the past week? Shall we try it again?’ This usually works. Never force children to eat with other carrots as rewards or punishments. This does not build a healthy relationship with food.

Shop together
Take your kids to the grocery store and let them go berserk shopping for fresh fruit or veggies. Now, just add the condition that they have to eat what that pick in the coming week! You’d be amazed at how kids actually pick healthy stuff and keep to the schedule of eating them.

Keep healthy food around
Always have some cut fruit/ veggies or a basket of oranges or apples lying around the house. Including in the kids’ rooms. It’s interesting how kids gun for fruit and veggies when they are within sight, but refuse when put on a plate at the table. This way your kids have already had a portion of healthy snack, before they hit the dinner table.

Set an example
Kids learn from us parents. Make sure you get your portion of healthy meal, and that too in front of your kids. Kids learn a lot by observing. When they see you trying something new and enjoying it, they will do the same. Show how you’re willing to buy and try new healthy foods at the grocery store. After all, we always show them the way by example!