Author: Little Panda

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Království železnic – Railway Kingdom

Hidden safely two levels underground, in the Stroupežnického street in Smichov is Prague’s very own miniature Railway kingdom. When I first visited, I did’t think it would be interesting. But the hundreds of meters of tiny tracks displaying most parts of Czech Republic including Prague, Central Bohemia, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary and more, definitely did prove me wrong!

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Free internet in Prague metro stations

The Prague transport company (DPP) is preparing to have free Wifi at metro stations in Prague. According to, the company has already bought the necessary equipment for a trial run in some of the busy metro stations in Prague – Hlavní nádraží, Pražského povstání, Náměstí Republiky, Smíchovské nádraží, Florenc B and Florenc C.