5 Activities to do when your child is sick

Image Courtesy: Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

When the season changes, most kids catch something that’s in the air – allergies, colds, chills, hay fever or just a runny nose with a common cold. Well, despite being common kids’ ailments, they can pose big challenges for parents. For starters, kids can’t go to school when they are ill. Which means, your schedule is unexpectedly turned upside down. Cancel those morning work meetings, set up appointments with healthcare professionals, a quick rush to the pharmacy, preparing fresh hot soup and last but the most important – caring for your sick child and keeping her entertained all day.

Here are some activities that you can do with your child at home to keep them busy enough but not tire them out totally when they are ill.

Watch TV
This is the easiest and most preferred ‘go to’ option for all parents. But be aware that kids watching TV for long hours especially when ill, can tire them out. SO go ahead and let them relax while you catch up on some work, but remember to turn it off in an hour.

Drawing and colouring
My son always loved to colour in bed when he was ill. So just stack a bunch of colours and a colouring book or printed sheets and they can be busy for hours. As he got older he loved to copy drawings from ‘How to draw’ books and that relaxed him despite the fever or sniffles.

Looking through family pictures
I always loved to pull out some old photo albums and talk about each picture. “This was when you started walking for the first time.” Or “That’s when you wrote all over the wall and got told off.” “That’s when granny got you a new book!”

Do the bird table
Yes! The old-fashioned way. I just set out a dish of seeds or nibbles for birds at my son’s window and watch him chuckle at the visitors helping themselves! If your kid has a garden view, a bird bath is equally good.

String some beads
Beads have the ability to bring focus and calm. And kids spend hours getting creative with them. And at the end of the day, you have a well-rested child with a nice piece of jewellery!

Assemble a jigsaw
A jigsaw puzzle in bright colours, never fails to cheer up an ill child. And, it can be done in bed on a breakfast-in-bed table! Puzzles help kids develop problem solving skills and also give them a sense of accomplishment when it’s completed.

I know, weird right? Allow your child to dress up and go to bed like super man or iron man. This will cheer them up as they dream about their favourite superhero’s adventures while falling asleep.