Now, who doesn’t leave out cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas eve? Duh! Ever wondered when and how this tradition came into being? Well, during the great depression, kids were encouraged to be generous by leaving out goodies for Santa. And this continues till date. But thanks to globalization and international cultures, we’re able to enjoy different types of cookies and Christmas desserts all through Christmas and New year!
Here’s a list of what you can buy and where:

Star shaped Christmas Cookies and Cookies with confiture
These traditional cookies can be ordered online from until Dec 20th. These cookies are made with dried fruits and candied nuts. They also offer traditional pies with cranberry, lingonberry and plums.

Fresh Gingerbread
Really fragrant gingerbread is available in a lot of places in Prague. But a nice afternoon out visiting the Gingerbread Museum in Nerudova, Mala Strana can be truly refreshing for families with kids. There is a large variety of gingerbread to choose from and they also serve coffee at a tiny table. Another place for gingerbread is Pernikuv Sen at Haštalská ulice 21, Praha 1. They offer decorated or undecorated gingerbread, glued with plum jam, cherry or apricot jam, chocolate, poppy seeds, nuts. You can also choose from an assortment of delicious buns, cakes, carrot cake or gingerbread with coconut.
The Trdelník heralds Christmas and snowy winter days in Prague. This is a traditional pastry made from rolled dough that is wrapped around a stick and grilled. It is usually sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. You can easily buy a Trdelo anywhere in the Old Town Square on a cold day and it quickly warms both your hand and your senses.

Bûche de Noël
The absolutely French Bûche de Noël, never fails to please. And this sinful treat is usually available only during Christmas time. Paloma, Pruhonice offers Christmas Cakes, pastries, panettone and the traditional Bûche de Noël (Yule log cake). You can order this online by December 18.
In case you want to make your own Yule log, here’s the link to a recipe.
Mincemeat pies
These traditionally British desserts are tiny pies filled with dried fruit and spices of the season. The best ones can be found in Marks and Spencer in Prague.