Wondering how to keep your kids busy this weekend? Here’s craft idea for you!
Tag: crafts
Paper Cat Craft
Happy Sunday everyone! Looking for activities for your kid? We have an idea for you.
Paper Snowman Craft
It doesn’t seem to be snowing outside so why not craft some paper snowmen at home instead?
8 Last Minute Gift Wrapping Ideas
Almost Christmas, shopping is done, but not yet wrapped? Here are 8 super easy but quick ideas to help!
Flamingo Paper Craft
Learn how to make a fun and easy paper Flamingo, perfect for the summer season!
Colorful Paper Parrot
Create a colourful parrot out of paper with your child this Autumn!

Hedgehog Paper Craft
This paper Hedgehog is easy to make and lovely to use as decor for the approaching Autumn!
Paper Camel
Ideal paper craft for the summer! Learn how to make a whole camel from just one peace of paper.
Swimming fish paper craft
Learn how to make a super easy and fun swimming fish!
Peacock fan
Learn how to make a super easy peacock fan ideal for the summer holidays!