Author: Benazir Abdullakhodjaeva

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Mushroom Picking in Prague

Have you ever wondered how much you know about a particular country and its people after you visited or moved there? To get to know a certain culture well, you can begin by examining the specific traditions and extraordinary activities the residents of that country possess. If we focus on Prague, there are many diverse activities which seem unusual and atypical for new “discoverers”, and thus, catch their attention.

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5 Chores for Kids to Do Around the House

Parents usually need help around the house. But largely most parents tend to believe that getting help from kids only tends to increase the work, rather than support. Since most children love to ape the adults, they love to do what we do and its only wise that kids take an active part to give a hand around the house. Here are some chores that can be dealt with by children that simplifies parents’ lives.

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Why Should You Read with Your Child?

Many Hollywood movies have a lovely scene where parents along with their children read an enthralling fairy-tale while tucked into a warm bed under a starlit night. I am enthralled by these scenes and want to turn them into reality. But as a parent, and a working mother I do have a sufficient set of excuses for not reading to my child.