5 Tips for parents to prep for school

Image Courtesy: August de Richelieu/ Pexels

It’s soon going to be that time of the year when chaos sets in – back-to-school. While it’s good for us parents to take a snooze when kids are away, the morning school run makes up for all the relaxed summer we had.

Here are some tips to prep for the first month of school

Meal prep a lot
The meals you prep up are not for the first week. Trust me when you finish the fist week of school runs, trying to meet demands from school while keeping up with laundry and kids, the extra pasta stashed in the freezer does come in handy!

Write down a morning checklist
I know we all do it, but please remember to add house keys and phone to the list. There have been so many times when I’ve locked myself out and had to wait for my partner or neighbour for a spare key.

Prep up a school binder
When school starts, kids get handed out loads of materials, lists and parental instructions for drops offs, pick ups and more. Two days in and you don’t know where you put stuff away. Having a separate binder for filing in all materials for each child helps a lot. At least it’s all in there!

Start the school routine a week early
It’s always hard for kids to be quick after the first day of school. So, prepping them a week in advance and doing a pretend school run actually helps. It’s also a nice way to wind down the holidays and start perking up for school.

Stash away some breakfast
We all need looking after and after an early morning school run, it’s nice to come home to a nice home-cooked breakfast. So bump up the overnight oats this week. When we all eat well, we have energy to tackle new challenges. Happy first day!