Have you ever wondered how much you know about a particular country and its people after you visited or moved there? To get to know a certain culture well, you can begin by examining the specific traditions and extraordinary activities the residents of that country possess. If we focus on Prague, there are many diverse activities which seem unusual and atypical for new “discoverers”, and thus, catch their attention.
One of the popular and prevalent activities in Prague is mushroom picking. According to the Czech people, it is not just an activity but a sport which traditionally has been passed from one generation to another one. To understand the reason behind Czech people’s fervor and enthusiasm regarding mushroom picking and how this activity has entrenched in the Czech lands, we need to look at the history. In bygone times mushrooms were perceived as one of the main sources of food which can substitute meat in a diet. Due to the fact that mushrooms were affordable for almost everyone and include essential mineral elements and vitamins, people got used to eating mushrooms regularly. From then on this activity has started to be well-accepted among people and gained momentum which finally ended up being a tradition.
The most preferable season for picking mushrooms is usually from May to November. If we focus on specific areas in Prague where you can pick mushrooms, here is the list of forests which can be wholesome for you:
1. Kunratický les, literally translated “Kunratice Forest”(Line C, station: either “Roztyly” or “Chodov”
2. Ďáblice forest (Tram 14; Tram stop “Vozovna Kobylisy”)
3. Obora Hvězda (Trams 22, 25; Tram stop “Vypich”)
4. Modřanská rokle – (Trams 17,92; Tram stops either “Sídliště Modřany”or “Modřanská rokle”)
5. Klánovický les – (Train: Masarykovo nádraží-Klánovice)
6. Krčský les – (Line C, station: “Roztyly”)
7. Divoká Šárka – (Firstly, Line A, station “Nádraží Veleslavín”. Secondly, tram, 20 or bus 119.
Here are some life-hacks and suggestions which you may find helpful during mushroom-picking:
- The best time for mushrooms is a cloudy morning after a long rainy night
- In order to avoid crowds, it had better pick mushrooms on ordinary days
- Avoid keeping gathered mushrooms in a plastic bag since they can start to sweat
- The form of mushroom heads can be easily seen if you climb up the hill
- You are more likely, to find edible mushrooms under the coniferous forests in Czech in contrast to deciduous forests
All these tips serve to make mushroom-picking easier. After the experience, you can come up with your own life-hacks to help you to become closer to the Czech culture.
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