When: July 1 to August 31, 2018
Where: VyšehradDetails: Books on the Go: This is a summer reading challenge held annually by Class Acts. Participants are asked to read minimum one book in English in order to register for the challenge.
– Books on the Go is open to all readers. Both English speakers and English learners are encouraged to participate! Readers aged 16 or younger who read at least one book in English this summer may register to enter Books on the Go, and those reading at least three books in English will be entered in a raffle for prizes, with the Books on the Go party for all registered readers on 22nd September 2018 at Vyšehrad.
How it works:
1. Your child should read as many books in English as possible during summer break (1st July – 31st August). Every book counts – no matter if your child reads just one or 100 books! You should only enter the books read between 1st July – 31st August 2018.
2. As your child reads books in English, enter them into the reading record. By reading the 1st book your child qualifies for the challenge or you can fill the reading record online.
3. When your child is finished with reading this summer sign the reading record and return it to Class Acts (you can scan and send it to info@classacts.cz) or fill online by 4th September.
4. Sign up for Books on the Go party on 22nd September from 16:00 hours at Vyšehrad. All children will be rewarded with small gifts, there will be a winner ceremony, raffle for prizes and most importantly together we will celebrate children’s reading success with games, storytelling. Party is open to everyone (not only children participated in Books on the Go).
5. Class Acts will count all the pages read that summer based on received reading records and select readers who read the most books, the most pages in all age categories.
6. Books on the Go final party (sign up) will take place on 22nd September 2018 at Vyšehrad (Staré purkrabství).
For more details about the challenge please check out the source website.
Book Reading Challenge, Class Acts